Hi to all I hope you enjoyed the Presentation by Wendy Irwin last night.I personally thought her presentation style was good and the 2 halves of the talk worked well. I have been asking her about the workshop she did for Bromsgrove as I thought some members may enjoy a workshop like this.I think we would have to look at a Saturday afternoon as it last approx. 4 hours . This is her response to my question about the contents of the workshop. “’ The workshop I did for Bromsgrove was in an afternoon, but morning is also good. I provided everyone with a memory stick with some starter textures, which could be used to change colours and experiment with (no good for competitions), I also brought some still life objects, cloths and background, as I talk about setting up a still life set, but encouraged people to bring their own objects too. We had a go at photographing our still life set ups and then got down to working with layers and blending modes. We had a break about half way through. We also looked at changing the textures colour and definition. I think everyone got something out of it and certainly more confident using layers, blending and a little on masking and nik software if they have it.” Wendy charges £25 per head and there would be room cost on top of that. If I can get sufficient interest I would look to organise this for April / May time next year so we can get some good natural light for the photographs. If you would be interested in a workshop like this could you email me directly on [email protected] and if there is sufficient interest I will start looking for a room that has lots of windows. Thanks for now Steve Laycock