Battles v Wolverhampton

4 April 2023 at Wolvehampton

Stafford PS V Wolverhampton PS 5th April 2022
Andys Triathlon challengeDerek Gair17Emerging From CovidLen Doughty15
Assassin FlySteve Laycock20Misty MorningLen Doughty15
Bosum PalsBarry Greasley17The Machine MinderGordon Nicklin16
Broken DollGraham Argent19Haw Frost Cannock ChaseHarry Hunt18
Buzzard with road killBrian Evill20Pity The SheepHarry Hunt18
dawn in a wadi rumTony Skidmore19Great TitHarry Hunt18
Days EndNoel Bennett16Fighting Starlings v2Jim Gear20
Deer, Calke AbbeyPeter Owen17A Mouse’s Last ViewJim Gear20
Dots & dashesSteve Banner16Backlit Barn OwlJim Gear20
Durham CathederalMiles Caven14The Elven Princess v2Victoria Parkes16
European bison cow and calfAnna Warrington18Waiting For The Misses v2Victoria Parkes15
Feeling the painDennis Bates16An Evening StrollJoe Brennan14
Greenwich PastelJudi Dicks18Taking The KneeJoe Brennan16
Heath Bumblebee on Purple Coneflower1Ken Hulse2040’s WeekendersJoe Brennan16
Home Sweet HomeJoe Banton17Double Headed Freight TrainGordon Uprichard18
House Sparrows1Tessa Bramall18BowledGordon Uprichard16
Hummingbird in the Cloud ForestEmma Setterfield18Cheetah Chasing GazelleGordon Uprichard17
imagine peaceNorman Raine16Heavens AboveJohn Holt16
Large SkipperOchlodes SylvanusJohn Phillips19God Is Our RefugeJohn Holt16
Lesotho ClassroomHoward Bagshaw17Hellvellyn Range In WinterJohn Holt17
MedusaGraham Argent18ElectricColin Stubbs16
Mr GrumpyCraig Gibbins16The Dreamer & The GirlRob Cowell15
On Blackpool BeachBrian Dicks15Clouds & LightRob Cowell18
Peaky BlindersDavid Deaves17Camel’s RestRob Cowell18
Ready for adventureSteve Banner17On The BussesTim Burden16
SerenityFred Pratt15Can I Come Out Now? v2John Donlon17
Shower BlockJudi Dicks17BoomCarol Bailey16
The MagicianJudith Tolley16The Woman In WhiteCarol Bailey16
Weathered TreeBrian Evill15Elegant DiningSue Lloyd19
What a grey dayMichelle Sanderson15Morning GloryJo Zaluska16
Stafford PS Total513Wolverhampton PS Total504