Stafford Photographic Society

16.692 Buskers-PitchPrint Portfolio

We are a friendly camera club. Guests and new members are always made very welcome.

Our membership is diverse in terms of age, gender, photographic experience, ability and genres.

Joining gives you the chance to discuss photography with enthusiastic like-minded people who are willing to share their experience and knowledge.

We offer a wide range of activities including talks from some top photographers, competitions, short courses for beginners, and practical members’ evenings where you can improve your skills. It does not matter what sort of camera you have; you can start with a phone. So if you are interested in joining, or are just curious about what we do, come along and see for yourself.

You can find out about joining Stafford Photographic Society or contact us. If you would like to join as a guest email [email protected] and request details.

Join this friendly club and let us help make your photographs come to life, new photographers to advanced workers welcome and aspire to equal or better the images on site. You can see more of our members images in the competition galleries or in the member portfolios.