Who is it for:-
The society covers the spectrum of photography from those who believe the finish is pressing the Camera shutter to those who in various measures believe that digital post processing is just as an important part of the process. Thus we are not a camera club but a Photographic Society.
You can start with a camera on phone or point and shoot and as your skill and desire increase progress to more sophisticated equipment.
Attend as a visitor:=
Visitors and new members are always made very welcome to come to the society meetings. If you are interested in joining us or are just curious about what we do, please come to one of our meetings to see for yourself. We aim to be a friendly camera society and to help photographers of any standard to better understanding and achievement.
I am a novice in photography is there anything for me:-
We occasionally hold a monthly smaller gathering for discussion and the tuition in all photographic subjects. In the programme of events these are called Questions and Answers Forum. Members often give notice of questions so that more in-depth answers demonstrating optimal solutions can be shown.
Where are meetings:-
The Society normally meets at New Beacon Conference Hall.
How much does it cost:-
Members pay an annual membership of £40, juniors and full time students £20. If joining from January the membership is £22 and for juniors and full time students £12. Plus a weekly door fee of £3, the door fee for guests is £5, this is occasionally waived for specific events such as Taster Evenings.
Membership Form download pdf. For Word the pdf will load into your own software, complete and save as pdf and email. For Mac users you can load a pdf document in Preview, edit using text boxes save as pdf and email. Otherwise open pdf , print, hand write in details and then scan using your printer into pdf format and email.
You can pay subscription by on line banking as detailed on form.
For 24- 25 Season Please email the completed form to our Secretary at [email protected]. Please note the methods for payment of subscription are on the form and Online Banking is preferred.
For more information contact the Society Secretary, Dave Tucker