Print Results Round 1 23_24

Round 1 Colour
Judge :David GibbinsDate :21/11/2023

Class 1

Stuart CrumpNight Flight201
Tessa BramallFlow201
John PhillipsReflected Light191
Angie TuckerWho Let The Dogs Out191
Graham ArgentBelverdere Dawn191
Wendy IrwinFairy Tales Can Come True191
Anna WarringtonA Wintery Sunset181
Dawn BannerWater Symmetry181
Graham ArgentConcealed181
Judi DicksBellis181
Ken HulseTight Formation Through The Dust181
Les WigginCauseway To St Mary’s Island181
Peter OwenOld Taps181
Steve LaycockSamir Farqun Clean & Jerk181
Les WigginOf Myth & Legend181
Brian DicksIt’s Made Me Go All Itchy171
Dennis BatesJostling For Position171
Michelle SandersonPastel Petals In Ice171
Steve BannerTulips171
Tessa BramallMunro Snowfall171
Wendy IrwinHumphrey Plans To Travel171
Ken HulseBackwoodsman171
Michelle SandersonSpeed And Splash171
Noel BennettMisty Start171
Steve BannerThe Silky Scarf Of Autumn171
Stuart CrumpEastbourne Pier At Sunset171

Class 2

Angie MilesScarf Of Many Colours182
Angie MilesTormented172
Jane JonesTalacre Lighthouse At Sunset172
Jane JonesThe Curse Of Witch152
John PearsonBathing House152
Round 1 Monochrome
Judge :David GibbinsDate :21/11/2023

Class 1

Angie TuckerYou’re Late201
Dave TuckerTranquil Groins191
Tessa BramallInclement191
Stuart CrumpDance, Dance, Dance191
Les WigginShrine Maiden181
John PhillipsSnow On Catbells181
Judi DicksFinished For The Day181
Ken HulseRefugee181
Peter OwenTulip Stairs Queen’s House181
Steve BannerFrankenstein & His Monster181
Stuart CrumpBetween A Rock And A Soft Place181
Angie TuckerOne Size Fits All181
Brian DicksThe Light Between181
Judi DicksPlace Non Serveilee181
Steve BannerDeparting Magpie Mine181
Tessa BramallLook Around181
Anna WarringtonI’m At The Corn Exchange171
Brian DicksGrain Silos171
Les WigginWise & Wiser171
Wendy IrwinBirth, Life & Death171
Dave TuckerIn The Dawn Light171
Steve LaycockClimbing Out171
Dawn BannerAnother Place161
Anna WarringtonA Weary Photographer161
Dennis BatesAncient Oaks In Sunlight161
Peter OwenSt Paul’s Reflection161

Class 2

John PearsonSwivel Bridge152
Angie MilesReflection Of Lake Vyrnwy152
John PearsonShugborough From The Trent152
Round 1 Nature
Judge :David GibbinsDate :21/11/2023

Class 1

Les WigginKissing Kestrels201
Tessa BramallPair Of Orange Tip Butterflies201
Steve BannerPintail191
John PhillipsCommon Blue On Meadow Grass191
Dawn BannerGreen Veined White181
John PhillipsGreat Crested Grebe On Nest181
Steve LaycockBengal Eagle Owl181
Stuart CrumpMole Pursuing Earth Worm181
Tessa BramallLarge Red Damselfly181
Anna WarringtonKingfisher Stunning Fish181
Angie TuckerCrested Franklin By River171
Anna WarringtonHare171
Angie TuckerAphids & Eggs171
Les WigginPair Of Barn Owls171
Steve BannerPuffin171
Steve LaycockMalachite (Siproeta Stelenes)171
Dave TuckerDouble Banded Sand Grouse161
Ken HulseMale Banded Demoisel161
Dave TuckerRed Grouse On Moorland161
Ken HulseYoung Stag Grazing161
Stuart CrumpFox Drinking At Pond161

Class 2

Angie MilesHighland Calf182
John PearsonOne Swallow Does Not Make Summer172
Angie MilesMossy Tree Frog172
John PearsonMallard On River162