Images by Angie Miles 14 Resting-Ballerina Print Col R1 24_25 16 Reflection PDI Col R1 24_25 18 The Learned Gentleman Annual Mono Pri 23_24Best Class 2 Mono Print 18 Giving Thanks Annual Colour Pri 23_24Best Class 2 Colour Print 20 The Joker Takes Aim R4 Colour Pri 23_24 20 Nuthatch Annual Nature Pri 23_24 19- Giving Thanks R3 Colour Pri 23_24 19 Golden 23_24 PDI R1 C 19 Abandoned PDI R3 Col 23_24 18.385-Statuesque MM 23_24 PDI triptych 18 The Flick PDI M R2 23_24 18 Statuesque PDI annual 23_24 Mono 18 Highland Calf 23_24 Print R1 N 18 Amazon Milk Frog R2 Nature Pri 23_24 17 The Model PDI R4 Col 23_24